This really feels like an ending. Not the final cleaning up of my old house, and not even turning over the key to the landlord, but going through the empty rooms for the last time, checking for anything I left behind, then packing everything into my car, closing the door, and driving away.
Driving away to my new house, which doesn't feel like home yet. I haven't spent enough time unpacking to keep the place from looking like a warehouse.
And I haven't had the chance to do the things I moved here to do. Trying to make up for time lost packing and moving, I've been working just as much overtime as I did at the Home Office. I'd love to spend an hour or two a day reading, either out on the patio or on the couch in the family room. I haven't really spent much time in the family room at all, and that has to change. I'm still a few days behind reading newspapers, and I have weeks of magazines to look at. I'd like to learn to cook more than two dishes, since I now have a big enough kitchen to do that.
I'm no longer nostalgic for the old place. It's not my home any more, just a few empty rooms that starting tomorrow morning will be dismantled and remodeled. Now that that part of my life is behind me, I'm eager to get on with the next chapter, and whatever new adventures it brings. I'm excited about bringing new people into my small circle of acquaintances. New journeys with new shipmates can only enrich the quality of my life. |