Turning the clocks ahead an hour in the middle of the night isn't really fair to us night people. We lose an hour of precious time, and then we're ridiculed the next morning for sleeping in even later than usual. Even for morning people, it's not right. Why should anyone lose an hour of sleep, when there's an alternative?
Daylight savings time should start Monday morning at eleven o'clock. Not only is the worst day of the week an hour shorter, but it's suddenly lunch time! It could be an annual ritual — change the clocks, go to lunch.
In the fall, when we set the clocks back, it doesn't matter as much. An extra hour's sleep is probably the best answer. But why couldn't we do it on a Monday, at one o'clock, and have an extra hour of lunch? I think this would be much less disruptive to my personal sleep cycle, which is of course the most important consideration.
And you could make up for the lost episode of All My Children in April with a two-hour long episode in October. If that's what you're worried about. |