bunt sign

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The sun declined to come out today, and so did I. After yesterday’s sudden return of spring, I thought I might spend some time today rooting through the garage for all the Christmas decorations I hid away last year, when I took them down (which, come to think of it, was more like February of this year).

But no, winter is back. Winter doesn’t start officially for a week and a half, but I’ve already had my fill of it. These dark days do me no good at all. It gets to be 4:30 in the afternoon, and it’s too dark to see, so I turn on every light and close every blind and curtain. I’d already spent the day trying to keep the darkness from seeping in, and that was enough. It’s like living in freaking Lapland with the freaking reindeer.

So, no festive décor just yet. With less than two weeks to go, and all holiday celebrations being held at other people’s houses, I’m wondering if it’s even worth it to dress up my own. I haven’t even managed to get myself in the mood to listen to the seasonal stations that I get on my satellite radio, or to play any of my Christmas CDs. I don’t mind hearing the songs, but I don’t go seeking them out.

Yeah, of course it could be worse. I could live in Minnesota (no, I really couldn’t), where the stadium roof collapses from the snow. It could be raining hard and steady, day after day, as it has in winters past (and might still this winter). But I can only think one day at a time when these dark days set in.

As soon as the sun comes out, I’ll be fine. I’m looking at the forecast for the next ten days, though, and I see more rain than sun. I guess I’ll just stay in as much as I can and watch that video of the Metrodome roof dumping snow on the field. That’s just one of the coolest things ever, and it adds a little pizzazz to the winter panorama (plus, it might make Brett Favre wonder it it’s finally time to retire for real). It would be even better if I didn’t have to watch a commercial every time I saw the video, but as long as it’s not one of those Geico ads I’m not complaining.

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