So how's work?
I'm glad you asked, because I've been getting a lot done this week, thanks to the rain.
But you hate the rain. How does it help?
Think about it. I don't like being out in the rain, so I don't run any unnecessary errands. Just a quick zip to the post office between showers, and right back. Besides, why run over to Best Buy when I've sworn off buying CDs until next year?
So you stay home and spend the whole day working then?
How long have you known me? I stay home and fool around just as much as ever. I watch the birds pecking in the garden. There have been about twice as many birds as usual, since the rain started. I wonder where they all were before this. I've been putting out that wild bird seed, but not enough to attract this many new birds. The rain must be making the worms easier to get to. Yesterday I saw —
Whoa! Enough with the birds already. I thought you said you were getting a lot of work done.
I was getting to that. Even with all the time I spend diddling around with other things, I still have more time to get things done. You know, the Boss changed our chart of accounts halfway through the year, and in the last couple of days I've redone all the check records with the new account numbers.
He changed the account numbers?
He wanted to make it easier on the accountant.
What did the accountant say?
He didn't care one way or the other. And then last night I worked until almost eight getting the 1099 information together. I have to go through all the checks, one by one, and —
Boooorrrrrring! Can we talk about something else?
Well, you asked. |