The closest I came to doing any work today was opening a blank spreadsheet when I turned the computer on this morning. Well, I did go to the post office and pick up the company mail, so I guess technically that falls into the “work” category (in the same sense that lying awake at night worrying about deadlines is “work,” I suppose). I was serious when I planned to get some work done today, but I should have known better. This is a typical Saturday pattern, and I might as well accept it.
The closest thing I did to housework today (and there’s plenty of it that could have been done) was changing a light bulb. Over the last couple of weeks I’ve managed to track in leaves and twigs and even a little mud, but I’m waiting for it to dry up a bit more before running the vacuum cleaner over it. At least, that’s my excuse for not doing it yet. Besides, the grounds are still muddy, so there’s every chance I’ll track in more of the same. Maybe I’ll just wait until spring to worry about it. |