What I thought I needed was a regular day, just to get caught up on the normal work I do every week, so that I can move on from there to the big deadline stuff. It turns out that wasn’t what I really needed at all. Apparently what I needed was a day when I finally got so exhausted that I didn’t feel guilty about taking a nice long nap in the middle of the afternoon.
So that’s what I did. And tonight I feel as if I can take control of things tomorrow and get about half the stuff done that I need to do by the end of the month. That’s probably not going to happen, but it’s how it feels tonight. I even worked until 9:30 pm on Kennel payroll, so that the employees can get their checks before the three-day weekend instead of waiting until Tuesday. But I’m not telling you about that to show you what a great guy I am. I just wanted to illustrate how much better I feel about life, the universe and everything, after a simple two-hour nap.
Or maybe it was three. |