It’s amazing how much I can get done once the pressure is off. With all deadlines met, I got down to business today and picked up some of the parts and pieces that I’d let go for most of the month. Why, I even did something that wasn’t on my to-do list! It’s not often I’ll even think of something that falls into that category, let alone waste time doing something I can’t cross off.
The other extraordinary event today was how close I came to asking for a raise. I danced around it without coming out and saying it, so it’s likely the message didn’t get across. I simply told Tim that I’d like to have the time cards as soon as possible so that I could do payroll early, because I’m flat broke.
It’s a slight exaggeration, since I had enough to go out for coffee this morning. But I wouldn’t want to set foot in the grocery store, because I wouldn’t get very far. An aisle and a half, maybe, if that. If I can’t buy cookies and ice cream, why in the world would I want to go shopping?
But I think Tim was sympathetic, so maybe word will get back to the Boss that a vital rung on the corporate ladder has a bit of a squeak in it. Gimme some oil, eh? (Not that I’m asking, but read the signs, will ya?) |