Another nice thing about the cooler weather is that I can put the big box fan back in the corner until the next raging heat wave hits. It takes up space, and I have to walk around it. Also, it gives me a shock of static electricity every time I touch it. (Many things do that, though. My car door, for example. How annoying do you suppose that is?)
On those hot days I can now do something I couldn’t do as easily last year. Before Kindle I found it quite a nuisance that when I sat with the fan on me, it would blow the pages around while I was trying to read. Now I scoff, because the pages I read are virtual pages, not subject to being blown around by any breeze, natural or artificial. Also, while the heat tends to make me sleepy (what doesn’t?), I’m less likely to fall asleep while reading on a hot day if I can read with the fan on me. Thanks again, Kindle.
I didn’t sit around all day on this particular Saturday, though. I picked up Mom and we took a trip to the supermarket. Actually, it was a mega-supermarket, a bigger store than the one I spent a hundred dollars in yesterday (grumbling all the way about the items that were either missing or out of reach). I was strictly the transportation provider (and bag carrier) today. I don’t even push the shopping cart, because Mom uses it as a replacement for her walker while we’re in the store. |