The Boss has been on the road all week. I haven't heard from him, which would be okay except that I have messages to give him. It's been a mellow time, and today I hit the sweet spot of mellowness.
It was still windy this morning, but by late this afternoon the wind had died and left a perfect day behind. I had no desire (and little incentive) to stay at the computer churning out spreadsheets when I could walk out into a day like this. It was impossible not to indulge myself in a little spring fever.
When I left to run my errands, I wanted to keep going. I almost decided to drop everything and head across town to Howarth Park and take a walk around the lake. I definitely wouldn't have missed any important phone calls. Nothing seemed important enough to keep me working today.
But when I got home, I didn't want to leave again. I just wanted to enjoy my yard, and the trees, and even the gopher tunneling through, surfacing every so often.
As a token to my conscience, I did get at those spreadsheets. But it was a half-hearted effort at best, and I didn't force myself to hew to the work ethic. Days like this just don't come along often enough. If they did, they wouldn't be as special, and I'd go ahead and work. |