I think I have a handle on this arthritis pain, or whatever it is. I’ve figured out which pain relievers help and which don’t, and I’ve managed to find a way to wear the brace that minimizes the discomfort. It’s still awkward, and working at the computer for long hours isn’t possible, but I’m doing the best I can to be as flexible and as pain-free as I can be right now.
For a while today I wore the brace on my right wrist instead of the left. Now, this time it wasn’t because I forgot which end was up, the way I did yesterday. This time I had the same kind of pain as on the other side, except that the pain on the right started at the base of my thumb and traveled all the way up to my elbow. The brace really helped, too, but I needed it more on the left, because every time I tried to close that hand or lift anything, the pain localized in my thumb would feel like a burst of fire.
So tonight the brace is back where it belongs, on my left wrist, and I’m getting better at typing with it on. The pain on the right side has subsided enough that I don’t expect it to be a problem. I’d be a lot more optimistic about the whole thing if, every time I took the brace of the left wrist, my thumb didn’t explode like that. I just sort of wonder how I’m going to get through the night, and what tomorrow will bring. |