Little did I know when I took my car into the Saturn dealer for service this morning that I’d be sitting there for two hours. It was just an oil change, nothing major, and the service rep who checked me in just asked if I wanted to wait for it. I assumed that he wouldn’t assume that I’d want to wait two hours, but I assumed erroneously. Well, he was a new guy. Or at least a guy I hadn’t seen before.
So I heedlessly wandered down the hall to the lounge and sat down. Then I got up and moved to another chair, so that I wouldn’t have to watch Maury Povich blindsiding women about their children’s paternity. I didn’t want to hear him, either, but I couldn’t very well turn the TV off when other people were watching. So I moved to where I couldn’t see, at least, and pulled out my Kindle.
That was what made the time pass so quickly. I’ve taken paperback books there in the past, and that was fine, but I managed to read through most of the morning paper before settling in with my current read (Hold Tight, by Harlan Coben). I didn’t expect to have two hours to read, and after an hour I got a little antsy, but after that I didn’t want my car to be done until I finished the book. You get to the downhill side of a book like that and all you want to do is race to the finish.
And by that time, I realized that as soon as my car was ready I was going to rush home and finish the book anyway, so it didn’t matter. That’s the reason I was still working at 9:00 tonight, by the way. Things have to be done, and I’m out of here on a road trip with the Aged Parent tomorrow. I haven’t decided yet whether to take my Kindle on the bus to Walnut Creek. |