bunt sign

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The only time I can’t fully protect my fragile wrist is when I’m asleep. Sometimes I’ll startle myself awake and find my head resting on my arm, with my hand wrapped awkwardly around the back of my head. It wakes me up in a hurry when I try to unwrap myself and find that the old pain is shooting through my arm again.

And lately, for some reason, it seems all I want to do is sleep. I put in a full day’s work on payroll today, but a couple of times I reached a point where I couldn’t keep going. I had to sit in the recliner and close my eyes for a few minutes. It’s not as if I’m not sleeping through the night (although my nights start in the wee hours and end a little later than they should).

As for that diminishing percentage of time when I’m awake and moving about, I’m getting better at not doing what needs not to be done. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that there’s a problem, or a potential problem, because the pain isn’t bad all the time the way it was. But it comes back fast when I screw up, so I tend not to screw up very often.

It’s like those psychology experiments I volunteered for in college (not by choice; it was part of the assignment in my psych class that you had to “volunteer”). You learn quickly not to trade the box for what’s behind the door, if there’s always an angry dragon behind the door.

R.I.P. Earle Hagen.

What’s most annoying about this constant need to nap (other than the pain it causes when I sleep wrong on my wrist) is that it’s such a waste of perfectly good daylight hours. I mean, if I’m going to sit, I really want to sit and read, not sleep.

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One year ago: Needed
"And he wants to present the image to the world of a man for whom nothing has changed, just because he can’t walk right now. Sort of like FDR, only not."

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