There comes a time when any more analysis just reinforces the same thoughts and emotions you’ve already expressed, without shedding any new light. I don’t mean to say that there isn’t any new light to shed, but a little distance might be helpful. The feelings, believe it or not, are still too raw to afford a fresh perspective.
That doesn’t mean you stop thinking about it, because you can’t. And it doesn’t even mean you stop talking about it. But I’m through (for now) trying to figure out what went wrong (or what went right, for that matter).
I had a long talk with Eric last night, and we commiserated over the election results. We don’t always agree on issues, and we didn’t mark our ballots the same way this time. But we do share values that we thought were betrayed both in the campaign and in the voting. It was cathartic for me to have him to bounce my frustrations off.
And tonight, with Tammy away at a Discovery Toys meeting, it was just David and me (and D.J. and Dakota and Aiden) to work our way through it one more time. It’s invigorating, actually, to have this lively discussion with him, because he stays up half the night walking the baby and watching CNN. He’s usually much better informed on the latest details than I ever am.
Even so, we are equally mystified by the way the other side thinks (although we pretty much concluded that the red states hate the blue states because they think the blue states look down on them (and they’re probably right)). Anyway, it’s my kind of argument. I like debating people who agree with me. It’s so much easier that way, and I’m pretty much done with trying to convince the ones who disagree, at least until I catch my breath. |