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Sunday, September 23, 2001

If I'd written this entry this morning, it might have been about the FBI investigation of a Bolivian visitor to a private home in remote Forestville, apparently an instance of racial profiling; or it might have dealt with the proposed law in Santa Rosa that would ban the sale of crayons to anyone under 18; or it might have touched on the balance between freedom and security, and how it might be in danger of tipping too far in the wrong direction.

But I'm either feeling too good or too unfocused to give sober consideration to these things tonight. I'm sure I'll get to such topics some time, but for now, I'm ready for an early night. I only wish I didn't have to do a load of laundry before I go to bed, but if I don't I won't have any clean socks or underwear for tomorrow.

However, I didn't stay home all day. The preschool where Suzanne teaches had a fundraiser this afternoon, and since there was free food, I was there. I only ate one cupcake, though, and a couple of brownies. And a hamburger, salad and two cookies, but that's all. It was actually much less than it sounds.

It was a silent auction, and I managed to outbid one other person on six movie tickets for the Rialto. I'm not sure, but I think the teachers arranged for the tickets to be donated so that I'd have something to bid on. If they hadn't, I might have ended up with a bottle of wine, or something else I don't really need.

Movie tickets are a pretty decent investment, I think. Didn't the movies flourish during the Depression? I know from going yesterday that it's a comfort to escape into a fantasy world for two hours (or even to escape into the world before September 11). And it's good to do that with other, like-minded people, subdued by the tragedy but not defeated by it, ready to take a break. It's not the same as staying home and watching The Weakest Link (or 7th Heaven, for that matter) by myself.

Mom went crazy at the auction. She put in bids on a car wash, a pedicure, and an apple pie, and she ended up with all three. It seemed to me that the teachers themselves (and their spouses) did most of the buying, but they have the most to gain, don't they? They already buy school supplies on their own a lot of the time, so this way they at least get something personal back for their money.

There were a lot of parents there, too, with their children. I'm not sure, but I think there were some children there without parents as well. Who'd know the difference, with so many teachers and other adults there to look after them? You see a child who needs a shoelace tied, or some help pouring lemonade from a pitcher, and you instinctively give them what they need.

I still can't believe no one bought the Blue's Clues "thinking chair." (Suzanne assured me it wasn't a "time out chair," which is what it looked like to me.) Kids were sitting in it, and they seemed to like it, and the price was low enough, but as far as I know it didn't get sold. Maybe next year.


The first sunset of autumn.

The Boss needs a hobby. He worked all day, and I know this because my fax machine spat out a continuous stream of memos, notes and requests, all day long. I politely ignored them, but that just means tomorrow will be a bear of a Monday. The Boss needs a hobby, or he needs to get back with his girlfriend.

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Tamar, Visions and Revisions, September 21, Small Pleasures

Jessie, Blueberry Hill, September 21, Grace

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