Today I even had the opportunity to leave a snarky message on Tim's voice mail, and don't think I didn't enjoy that. It was his letter that I was typing, and after I polished up the last revision and emailed it back to him, I thought we were done. Later on he sent it back again, telling me he'd made a few more changes and asking what I thought.
I started revising and editing, and before I'd hacked my way out of the first paragraph I realized that I was making the same corrections I'd made earlier in the day. I read on, and every misuse of punctuation, capitalization and sentence structure that I'd fixed was back like an old bruise. I was dumbstruck, but not for long. I picked up the phone and gave him a piece of my mind.
Actually, it wasn't what I said (which was pretty much what I said above, that he'd sent me an old version of the letter and I needed to know what changes he wanted) as the way I said it. I managed to work myself into a fair lather. I don't raise my voice much, but I can be forceful when I'm speaking from a position of strength.
If he wants my help (on a holiday, at seven in the evening), he's going to have to pay attention to the help I give him. Whatever you do, don't take me for granted. That doesn't sit well.
He didn't call back, but he sent me another final version based on my own last revision. I congratulated him on a job well done. I think we'll just let it go at that for now. I probably won't forget that I was working on his final draft at nine o'clock at night on a holiday. |