bunt sign

Saturday, September 27, 2008

When I heard this morning that Paul Newman had died, my mind immediately went two places. Salad dressing, of course. And what I consider his most underappreciated film, Nobody’s Fool. It might be a movie that nobody talks about in the Newman canon, but it did earn him one of his nine Oscar nominations. He was honored so many times that it’s hard to pick a high point in his career, but he always stood for quality in his work and in his personal life. There are more than a few movies that he was the best part of. He absolutely carried films like Where the Money Is, another of my late favorites.

He was the biggest movie star in the world back when he was making films like Cool Hand Luke, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, and The Sting, and I loved all of those movies, but it was the later roles, when he perfected his portrayal of a crusty curmudgeon slightly down on his luck, that I relate to the most. I actually think he became an even better actor after he stopped being a major draw at the box office.

20 September 2008

Valley of the clouds.

I was in the market today and somehow got stuck going down the pet food aisle. (I think I was trying to avoid the crowd in the salad dressing aisle.) To my surprise, I found a bag of Newman’s Own dog food. I was tempted to buy it, even though I don’t have a dog.

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