bunt sign

Thursday, April 5, 2007

All week I’ve been thinking a day ahead, for some reason. Maybe the time change has finally sent me round the bend, so that instead of being off by half a day, I’m now a full day out of phase. All day yesterday I thought it was Thursday. Well, sort of. I didn’t exactly “think” it was Thursday, because when I thought about it consciously, I knew it was Wednesday. But the feeling in the deep corners of my mind was that it was Thursday.

So you can imagine my disappointment when I woke up this morning and it wasn’t Friday. Every so often today I’d get that Friday feeling, and then jar myself back to the Thursday-ness of it all.

Part of it could be that I’m lost in the longest to-do list I’ve had in a long time. I have so much to do that it spills over onto page two. Ordinarily I have certain tasks that I assign to particular days, but the only way to get through something like this is to plow ahead, and try to forget what day it is. This week, that doesn’t seem to be a problem.

5 April 2007


Once again I’m rat-sitting. Leia and Whitey are back while their people are away for a long weekend, and this time I also have custody of the guinea pig, Biffle. I have a tendency to give the rats different names, like Thelma and Louise or Charla and Mirna (as if they care). But I think Biffle is a great name for the guinea pig. Aiden is a NASCAR fan (or else he’s just humoring us), and Greg Biffle is his favorite driver. Hence the name.

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One year ago: Road Rules
"If you do that, you’re lucky I’m awake (which isn’t a given, by the way), so that I don’t slide right into your rear end."

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