This was a kind of moment of truth day, as far as my diet is concerned. So far, for three weeks now, I’ve been slavishly sticking to the menu plan from the book, tweaking it only by shifting days when I didn’t have the right ingredients in my pantry. This isn’t my long range plan, even if I stick to the plant-based diet (as I’m inclined to do at this point).
When the four weeks of the trial period are up, I want to branch out and use some of the other vegan cookbooks I’ve been accumulating. Mostly, I want to plan my own menus so that I can write my own shopping list. These three weeks have taught me a lot, and I’m glad I’ve tried so many recipes, even if it meant spending more time in the kitchen than a sane person would. I mean, I enjoy cooking, but not that much.
Some of the recipes I’ve tried will be regular parts of my own menu plan. Some (the split pea soup from last Sunday, for example) won’t be. But I have books by the likes of Mollie Katzen and Nava Atlas, who are not, as far as I know, fire fighters. I appreciate the hearty food that has been part of the diet plan, but sometimes I like to eat a little lighter. I’m looking forward to getting into those other cookbooks in a week or so.
Maybe sooner. I say that because today was the first time I’ve had real, serious stomach problems that I attribute to the diet. I don’t know what I ate that did it to me (and maybe it’s not even the diet, but one of the many bugs that are going around). But I was supposed to make chili tonight, and I didn’t think my system would respond well to it.
Besides, I’ve amassed a humungous collection of leftovers over the three weeks. Some I’ve used for lunches, and some I’ve had to throw out, which I hate. So I made the arbitrary decision to ease up on the slavish devotion to the book and listen to my body. |