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Sunday, June 25, 2000

I set my alarm for 7:00 this morning. I didn't get up until 9:00, but that was still two hours earlier than I got up yesterday. And it was early enough to make a pot of coffee and settle down in front of the computer for a couple of hours of Sunday work, which should be overtime except that I'd feel guilty, having been less than fully productive all week during regular hours. Post-vacation fatigue, and it's still with me. If I thought going away would recharge my batteries, I was wrong.

Working without the usual interruptions reminded me of how confining it is to be a desk slave. I've been there, and done quite enough of that. It's liberating to work unsupervised, as I do now. I can crack the whip on myself to better effect than anyone else can, but I also know when to ease up and walk around and stretch out my poor old back and neck.

I didn't do that so much today, but I feel good about what I did get done, and I expect this week will see an improvement in my concentration and productivity.

With all of the great summer movies currently showing, the one I saw today was an ancient bit of bittersweet romance called Breakfast at Tiffany's. It's been so long since I've watched it that seeing it on the big screen for the first time was like seeing it for the first time. It's just too bad that the "sparkling new print" still looks weathered and faded, and the Rialto's sound system seems of about the same vintage as the film. They've promised to upgrade all their screens by the end of summer, but Holly Golightly sounded too tinny and shrill today.

I'm susceptible to this kind of film, and I admit that I'm willing to overlook the improbable characters, the skewed ending, and even (shudder!) Mickey Rooney, just to see Audrey Hepburn in this role, so wise and yet so vulnerable. She fulfills the role of a true movie star by utterly commanding the screen, not only with her undeniable physical beauty, but also by creating a complex, nuanced, interesting character. To me, that's the most important aspect of any movie-going experience.

When we had our recent family reunion in Colorado (remember that?), I gave each of my four young cousins a disposable camera (can you see what's coming?) and told them to give it back to me before we went home (not more vacation pictures!?!). Yes, I got the prints back today, and I intend to send a set to each of the junior photographers. They should be proud of their work, for the most part. Even the most seasoned professional knows that you have to snap a lot of photos to get a few good ones. They got a few thumbs in the way, and a few prints were so blurred no one could guess what they were trying to focus on, but they provided more than a few clear, sharp memories of our time together.

Herewith, a sample from each portfolio.

Eric, by AshleyDillon's mom
Aunt Sherry, by JakeNick's dad

And, the four perpetrators.

Ashley, Dillon, Jake, Nick

Left to right: Ashley (14), Dillon (12), Jake and Nick (both 11).

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