My new cell phone was free, because I was being added to an existing plan. I only have to pay the minimum amount per month. Or rather, I would have had to pay the minimum, if I hadn’t gone crazy and signed up for a bunch of special services, like video and web access and ring tones. Never had a cell phone before, right? Now I have one that plays The A Team theme when you call me. I love it when a plan comes together.
I’m through buying stuff for my phone. I spent all last night and most of today playing with it, because I love new toys and I can’t leave things alone. I always tend to go for the outer limits of what’s available, once I jump on the bandwagon. I’m the last person on the planet to make that jump, with a few holdout exceptions, but now I’m all in. I don’t expect to get or receive many phone calls, but it’s nice to know I can play Weezer’s “Pork and Beans” video any time, anywhere. I have to squint to see it, but it’s there in my hand.
If you have any suggestions of other things I can do with my phone, I’m willing to listen. (Don’t say what you’re thinking right now, though.) If the sun ever comes back out, maybe I’ll take a picture of the old oak tree for my wallpaper. I guess I can text a few extra votes for Chelsie and Mark on next week’s So You Think You Can Dance, since I bought the package that includes unlimited texting. All I wanted was for my family to feel safe when I’m driving out in the sticks, and now look at what it’s all come down to.
This adventure didn’t start out too well. To add me to the family plan, John had to wait for 45 minutes at Wal-Mart yesterday to sign a piece of paper which they then gave back to him. I had a ridiculous time trying to set up voice mail without calling the provider, because none of their prompts seemed to work. I ended up calling them and letting them do it for me, but for awhile I thought I’d messed up the whole plan for everybody, with all the fiddling I did on line. As it happened, I didn’t do any damage after all, which was quite a relief. |