I was going to complain again tonight, but I just can’t. There are reasons I should feel bad again today. The weather, for one. It was cold and gray all day, and a light, misting rain started falling in the afternoon. I didn’t even walk out in it to get my mail. And work, there’s always work if I need something to complain about. This was one of those days when everything happens at once.
But mostly I’m kind of reeling from a bad night and felt for most of the day as if I had every right to moan and groan again. Moan and groan I did, but I just can’t do it with much conviction tonight. I’ve had the kind of support from family and friends that I was probably asking for, if only subconsciously. And I’ve turned myself around a bit, too. I’m working on the attitude, and I’m getting better at it. Must be all the practice. |