Instead of merely complaining about the time change this year, as I always do (you could look it up), I took the offensive. I made a big pot of coffee and drank almost all of it. That got me through the day — and in a much, much, much better mood than I’ve been in for a long, long, long time.
It’s funny, but the reason I quit drinking all that coffee doesn’t seem as important now as it did when I was having all those shaky moments and acidy feelings in my stomach. I don’t get much of a kick from the herbal tea I’ve been starting my days with lately.
On the other hand, you wouldn’t think a 25-hour day would require any extra stimulation. If there’s an extra hour to sleep, the rest of it should be easy. I’ve always said that every day should have 25 hours. I wonder if the planet the aliens took me to might have spun a little more slowly than this one. (Sometimes I wish they would take me back there.)
When we set the clocks back an hour last night, it made every hour today seem like an hour later than it should be. There’s good and bad in that, but the good part seems to come earlier in the day than the bad. Even a 25-hour day can catch up with you. Now it’s getting late, and the caffeine is wearing off, and I’m wondering if maybe I’ll get to sleep before my usual two or three in the morning.
When the early darkness hit tonight, it was sudden. ¡Zas! Out of the blue I was sitting in the dark, and I hadn’t even realized it was late enough for the sun to be going down. It’s going to take some getting used to, and I’m going to have to readjust my schedule. I’ll have to think of more things to do after dark, and I’ll have to get the things that can only be done in daylight out of the way early.
But I’m adjusting, not complaining. That’s never done a bit of good in the past, coffee or no coffee. A little jolt sure helps, though. |