I think the weather affects my mood more than I even realized. It was warmer today, and (more importantly) a lot less windy, and I felt a hundred percent better than I did yesterday. I don’t think it’s a coincidence.
Ordinarily I’d think my allergies would be the reason I suffered more yesterday than today. I’m used to thinking that on windy days I’m going to be miserable, but I’m not sure that’s as big a factor as I thought. It was something about the stillness of the air that calmed me down, and it didn’t have anything to do with how I was breathing.
Of course, my good mood might have been due to the fact that I was doing much better in the football pool this week. (If it hadn’t been for the Steelers’ collapse, I would have done even better.) And there were a couple of especially exciting baseball games to watch. And I got a little work done, just enough but not too much. And I got my bedroom cleaned out of all the accumulated Amazon boxes from the last year or so. (Floor space! Who knew?)
It definitely didn’t have anything to do with getting more sleep, because I didn’t. I had another rough night last night, and I got up an hour earlier than I did yesterday morning. With a little luck the sleepless nights will catch up with me just enough that I don’t have to toss and turn for too many hours tonight. That would be good, heading into a Monday and all. |