It seems there’s something worth complaining about every month, but I do believe this March we just saw go out like a lion, and not a roaring African lion but a slinking, snarling mountain lion that eats puppies, was particularly bad. Or maybe I’m just putting all the bad memories into one teacup and drinking the broth of bitterness, but in any event, I feel we’re well shed of that nasty old month.
My goal for April is to be a better person. I know, I know. If that were going to happen, it would have to have started a long time ago. But I resolve (oh, brother!) not to cringe every time the phone rings, and to be as pleasant as possible, even when the Boss calls at six o’clock at night and asks if I have time to go over a few things. Because really, I do have time. What else do I have to do? And he’s going to make those kinds of calls anyway, so they might as well be conducted with something that approaches good humor, instead of the exaggerated, exasperated sigh that I usually greet him with.
Sometimes I forget that other people have lives, too. I act as if every difficulty I encounter is the result of someone failing to take my life into account, when it really comes down to this: Why should they? The world doesn’t revolve around any particular individual, no matter how much each of us would often like to think it does. And it will stop revolving altogether, if we don’t make allowances for one another here and there. |