bunt sign

Monday, August 2, 2010

Being away from here so long wasn’t exactly a conscious decision (until it was, I guess). I didn’t want to write the same thing every day, and my health issues were the only thing on my mind. Toward the end of the hiatus, I started writing practice entries, but I didn’t think leaping into the middle of the wave was the best way to come back. So I waited for low tide. (And with luck I’ll have something completely different to write about soon.)

Some good things came out of this bad episode. During the worst of it, I was getting to sleep early and sleeping eight or more hours a night. That was great, but it didn’t last, and I’m pretty much back to the old pattern. I just think I’m not put together as a morning person, and I have to accept it.

Also, my doctor now knows who I am, and we’ve developed a sort of trust that I haven’t had with a doctor for a long time. I’m not scheduled to see him again until October, but if I feel the need, I won’t hesitate to call him or email him or make an appointment to see him. The blood panel gave him a chance to tell me (again) that I need to get more exercise, which I’m doing. He also wanted me to increase the amount of Vitamin D that I was already taking (because of my diet). Everything else was within normal range.

If there’s nothing I can do about this dizziness, I guess I can live with it, but it’s one thing that’s hung on too long. The doctor asked me several times to describe it, and if it was vertigo, but I couldn’t really tell the difference. I know that vertigo is a form of dizziness in which there is a feeling of motion where none exists, but it didn’t feel like that at the time. Now I’m not so sure. Since it’s not a constant problem, I’m giving it a little more time, hoping I can define the sensation more clearly the next time I see him.

26 July 2010

If you’re interested in the few back entries that I mostly wrote just for myself, they are on Xanga, starting here. There’s not much content, but it’s what got me back in the mood to write in the journal again. (Just click “newer” to navigate from one to the next.)

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