bunt sign

Friday, February 5, 2010

There was a day this week (let’s call it “Wednesday”) when I got simply overwhelmed by all the negative energy I was encountering. It seemed to be everywhere, and it got me to the point where I just couldn’t deal. I turned away from the computer altogether and dealt crisply and curtly with anyone I absolutely had to talk to on the phone. Whatever it was, I didn’t want to hear it.

A couple of days later, after thinking over my irrational response, I realized that I wasn’t being very nice. And I also realized that there are different types of negativity, and some of it is necessary. I find that I don’t mind hearing people air legitimate complaints, no matter what they’re about. What I don’t like, and will not tolerate (unless I have to), is the hating. I can’t stand the hating, and I plan to avoid the haters as much as I can.

That’s going to cut down on a lot of my internet time, because the place is loaded with haters. They don’t like anything, and if it’s something I like, they usually don’t like it even more.

Furthermore, if they don’t like it, they don’t think anyone should like it, and they look down on anyone who does. That’s when the snark turns nasty. And that’s what I’ve begun shunning. I had to unfollow several people on Twitter for that very reason. It’s especially bad when the nasty snark isn’t even funny. I can put up with a bit of funny snark, but the plain, unvarnished negativity that’s out there? Not so much.

In other words “I hate Lost” isn’t a legitimate Status Update, in my opinion. And neither is “I hate Obama” (or “I hate Bush,” for that matter). On the other hand, “I hate the Dodgers” is a different matter entirely.

5 February 2010

Now, I’m as guilty as the next person of contributing to the negative atmosphere that sometimes pervades the webosphere. I’ve done my share of whining, sometimes for days or weeks or months on end. Now that I’m aware of how it makes me feel, though, I’m going to assume it isn’t much fun for other people, either. I’ll still complain about the weather once in awhile, or bad drivers. But I’ll try to curtail the gratuitous griping even more than I already do. That’s why I only write about books and movies I like. Maybe I can translate that attitude to life in general. It’s worth a shot.

I’m pretty sure I have expressed this poorly. I have a right to feel bad, and a right to complain, and so do you. I don’t have to listen to people trash each other for no reason that matters to me, though. (There, I think I said what I wanted to say in one sentence. Glad you made it this far.)

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