It seems I haven’t lost the knack for talking myself out of extra work. All it took today was waking up to dingy gray skies and a few drops of rain. It wasn’t that pleasant spring rain that doesn’t really get you wet. It was that pinpoint-fine mist that soaks you through as soon as you step out into it. I didn’t need any more discouragement than that to give up on my planned trip to the bank this morning.
Still, there was another good reason not to go to the bank, whether I needed it or not. This being the first day of the month, I would have expected the lines to be longer and the place to be more crowded than it might be, say, next Tuesday, which is the day I now plan to make that trip. Who needs the sniffling hordes these days, right? I’ll stay home and dry and healthy. You know, given the option.
By the middle of the afternoon, it wasn’t fooling around any more. No more of those needle-sharp, BB-sized droplets. Uh uh. It was coming down so hard that I didn’t even feel like walking to the end of the driveway to get my mail. It can just stay out there all weekend, if this wall of water doesn’t let up a little. I have enough vegetables stockpiled to withstand a long, long siege, if necessary. |