bunt sign

Monday, May 6, 2009

Sometimes lately it feels as if I’m spending my whole life in the kitchen. That can’t be right, though, because I worked (and I mean worked) until 7:30 tonight. And I still didn’t finish everything I wanted to do, but eventually, if you’re going to have stir fry, you have to start pressing the tofu. (No, that’s not a euphemism.)

The sun made an appearance today, and the three-day forecast seems to be saying that the rain is over for now. The news also says that all this rain we’ve had will do nothing to keep us out of drought conditions this summer. All in all, then, I’d sooner forgo the rain. I know I’ve had enough of it for one May.

While I was watching The Curious Case of Benjamin Button tonight, I thought it might have been nice to see it (or any movie, really) in a theater. Then I remembered what movie houses are like these days, with people chattering as if they’re in their living rooms, and large people plopping down in front of me. It’s not worth it, especially if I were going to a picture by myself. A shared experience is fine, but only if you share it. If I’m going to watch alone, I might as well do it at home where no one ever sits in front of me, and I can lie back and put my feet up.

By the way, I didn’t expect to like this movie as much as I did. I thought it would be gimmicky, but it actually has something to say about time (a recurrent theme here) and making the most of the moment before it slips away. But yes, it says all this in a gimmicky way. It probably deserved all the technical awards it won, but no more than that, unless the beautiful, haunting musical score were to be honored.

5 May 2009

Clouds riding clouds.

Tonight’s stir fry was Red Vegetable Curry. It’s called that even though it’s the curry that’s red, not the vegetables. Unless “curry” is a term for vegetables cooked in curry paste. Anyway, I’ve never cooked with curry before, and never eaten it since I can remember. It turned out to be something else I liked more than I expected to. It’s one of the last recipes from the book that I hadn’t tried yet. My four week trial ended Sunday, and I’m still on the diet, so there must be something to it. It works for me, at least, so far.

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Rockies 11, Giants 1. Any team that can make the Rockies look that good probably has some soul searching to do. In their last three games against them, the Giants have scored one run in each, and still managed to win one of the three. Tonight Randy Johnson would have needed twelve runs, so it didn’t much matter that he was serving it up to the Rockies hitters. The Giants weren’t going to win even if he’d held them to two.

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