We live in a cynical age, but I’m not quite ready to give this up yet. All human beings are flawed, but I’d like to hold onto my faith in out next president a little bit longer. The economy is worse than it’s been in my lifetime, but if we don’t have hope, what’s the use in going on? As bad as it is, I’m as hopeful as I can be.
It seems, for the first time in a long time, that we have a grownup in charge. And I think a lot of us feel that we voted as grownups, for once choosing a person we thought would do the job, rather than holding our noses and picking the lesser of two evils. For all the grumbling (and I’m as guilty as anyone) about the length of the election cycle, it gave us time to get to know the candidates and to make the right choice and be comfortable about it.
It’s hard not to get carried away, but I’m not really trying yet. I’m still seeing the president-elect as the combination of Superman, Abe Lincoln, Jimmy Stewart and Oprah that we want him to be. I’m incredibly optimistic about his future Supreme Court nominations, based on how carefully he chose his running mate and how much thought he’s putting into his Cabinet appointments.
We’re in for an era of competence and intelligence we couldn’t even have imagined for the past eight years. And we won’t be kept in the dark about what’s going on, because the cloak-and-dagger shenanigans of the outgoing administration will be a thing of the past. Plus, we will have a president who speaks in clear, complete sentences and says what he means, and we’ll be able to understand him. |