bunt sign

Sunday, October 5, 2008

It’s a good thing I didn’t have any obligations today, because I’m pretty sure I forgot to take a shower this morning. I know I forgot to get dressed (and I never intended to shave anyway). I just sat around in my sweats all day watching sports. That’s what happens when NASCAR, baseball and football all start at the crack of dawn. (Well, 10:00 am, which is almost the same thing.) I can’t afford to cut more than one of these days out of the week and expect there to be enough time to do what needs to be done. If I could, I probably would, so it’s a good thing I can’t.

I wasn’t expecting any company, either, so it was a surprise when my landlord knocked on my door. At least it was after all the early football games and between baseball games and during a caution on the race track, so I didn’t have to ignore him. He asked if I might have forgotten to mail this month’s rent check. Well, I might have, but I didn’t. It happens, but I remember this time because I sent it on the first, instead of before as usual. It’s odd he should even ask, because he often holds onto the check for a few weeks before depositing it. Sometimes I even count on that to keep my account in balance.

4 October 2008

Clouds knife through the sky.

Even though this was exactly how I wanted to spend my Sunday, it was such a disjointed day that I even forgot to make my bed until late in the afternoon. As poor a housekeeper as you know I am, that’s one thing I never let go. I can’t stand to see my bed unmade, and I can’t stand to get into a bed at night (or in the wee hours of the morning) that hasn’t been made. It was like taking a day off and spending it in a bizarro world.

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