bunt sign
...just a triple short of the cycle.

August 2005

August 1 Unregulated
August 2 Contract
August 3 Concerned
August 4 Puncture
August 5 Digression
August 6 Plans
August 7 Compliance
August 8 Neglect
August 9 Portions
August 10 Unique
August 11 Repudiation
August 12 Taffy
August 13 Pyramid
August 14 Isolation
August 15 Early Fall
August 16 Haulage
August 17 Dialogue
August 18 Dodge
August 19 Thirst
August 20 Misfire
August 21 Conscience
August 22 Waiting
August 23 Shuffle
August 24 Overtime
August 25 Ice, Ice
August 26 Real
August 27 Idleness
August 28 Chase
August 29 Elementary
August 30 Undented
August 31 Relief

back off, buddy

All original material copyright 1999-2005 by Michael.