D.J. doesn’t think of the people in his life as step-parents or half-siblings. They’re all part of his family, as far as he’s concerned, and he must have been pleased to see so many of them watching and cheering for him at his Tiger Cub graduation today. I know he wasn’t overwhelmed, because he took it all in stride. It was just something everyone does. His family comes to see him on his special days.
And I have to say he was extra-charming during the ceremony, flashing that big grin and showing off all the badges and pins and whatever else he earned during the past year. Now he moves up to some other animal, bobcat or wolf or some such thing. I’m not up on (or into) scouting all that much; I just go along for the photo ops.
Aiden has been suffering from ear infections, and taking the rest of the family along with him, but he seemed his usual cheerful self. He wished me a happy birthday, but by now he must think that every day is everybody’s birthday. He had his own stretched over several days a week ago, and today was his daddy’s birthday. (That part is true; David turned 25 today.)
Even Kylie had a half-smile for me today, which is fifty percent more than I usually get. |