As you may or may not know or care, I don’t have an Internet connection during the day any more. This leaves me feeling, well, disconnected. I don’t get the news, I can’t look up answers to questions that pop into my head, I can’t listen to Pandora, and worst of all, I end up spending hours of my own time, after I log on at 6:00 pm, doing work tasks that can’t be done during the day. So that’s made me feel almost as disconnected at night, when I am on line, as I feel all day when I’m not.
And all that’s on a good day. Today was different, in that I didn’t get on line until 7:00 pm, and then I had to look up some things for the Boss, unplug the modem so I could plug in the fax and send him the information he needed, and repeat and repeat until I finally asked him if this was the last time. He took the hint and left me alone, after 8:00 pm. That’s too long a work day, for what I get out of it.
Anyway, that’s what I’ve been dealing with for the last two weeks, or however long it’s actually been since I managed to post an entry. And the next week or so won’t be any better, because we have eight bids going in next Tuesday and Thursday. It’s not something we can do a half-baked job on, either, because we really need the work. I’ll definitely be back here if I can, or if anything more interesting happens. Otherwise it would just be another entry just like this one, and who needs that? |