Well, here’s a fine howdy-do. At 6:00 tonight, I go on line, and the first thing I do (after checking email and Twitter) is head to the phone company web site to register my complaint in a language they understand. Or is that wrong? Maybe they understand phone calls better, being the phone company and all, but I express myself better in text boxes on support sites, so that’s where I went.
After keying in all the personal information I thought they needed to have, I came to the page where you tell them exactly what your problem is, in 150 characters or less. Hey! I’ve been thinking in paragraphs even shorter than that for a couple of weeks now, so I know how to condense my thoughts while still saying everything that’s on my mind. Sometimes my mind does the condensing on its own. There just isn’t that much there to begin with.
Here’s what I typed into the phone company’s text box:
DSL & fax share a line. DSL no longer works when fax is plugged into the line. New splitter (same model) no help. All worked until a few weeks ago. |
And here’s what happened next:
I clicked “Continue” and was taken to a page that apologized for the fact that the phone company’s online repair pages were temporarily off line. They gave me a long list of phone numbers to call, but I’d spent the whole day rejoicing that I didn’t have to make a phone call at all in order to register my complaint. Shifting gears at that point in time? Wasn’t going to happen.
Sure, I’ll try again. Later. Maybe over the weekend, maybe Monday night. Sooner or later everything will be resolved. Meanwhile, it’s convenient to blame the phone company for every little thing that goes wrong. |