bunt sign

Friday, March 6, 2009

If I were to say that I finished the Big Project today, I would almost be telling the truth. What I did was get as far as I could without having the Boss review what I’ve done so far. It’s no great accomplishment, because if I’d worked a little harder and more steadily at it, I’d have been at this stage about two weeks ago. (If I had nothing else going on, I’d have been here a month and a half ago, but that’s another philosophical construct altogether.)

Anyway, I finished the cost reports this afternoon, just as the Boss was leaving for the weekend. I doubt it’s a vacation-type weekend trip he’s taking. Knowing him, it’s almost certainly work-related, but since we do most of our work around lakes and rivers, it can’t be all bad, either.

So I told him that before he left, he should make sure his fax machine had enough paper, because I would be faxing the cost reports to him over the weekend. Until he okays them, I won’t bother moving on to the next worksheet, because he has to agree that the cost reports are accurate before I can put costs and revenues into a spreadsheet that means anything. Or means what he wants it to mean, at least.

26 February 2009

Threatening clouds.

I made sure to wait until I knew he was on the road to wherever before I started faxing the cost reports to his office. He will start looking at them Monday, but he has a big bid due Wednesday, so it might be next weekend before I get the feedback I’m waiting for. I guess that means I’ll be filing an extension for my income tax again this year. If only that meant extending the paying part as well.

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