If you missed D.J.’s birthday party at the pizza parlor, you missed a lot of commotion and noise, but a lot of fun, too. There were many kids there that I didn’t know, plus four that I did, and they all seemed to be enjoying themselves. D.J.’s actual tenth birthday was a week ago, but he blew out candles tonight. They were trick candles, which amused both D.J. and Aiden, whose idea it was. In fact, Aiden wants everyone to know that the trick candles were his idea.
That was pretty much the highlight of my day, as you would expect, this being Sunday and all. If I ever even leave my house on a Sunday, it’s almost always for a family event. Most of the day I spent reading and noodling around on the Internet, so I had the best of both worlds, and I’m ready to face another week. I even got some work done, so I got a head start on Monday. That’s never a bad idea. |