bunt sign

Monday, September 21, 2009

This being the last day of summer (at least on my Tracks of Nascar calendar, Richmond being featured for September), I thought it might be appropriate to make an appearance here before the bleak midwinter comes creeping onto the scene. Actually, I’m convinced our best days are ahead of us (because what else could explain the days we’re leaving behind?). One thing is certain here in the North Bay. Our hottest days are right now.

Actually, I don’t know how I could be an more of a recluse during the winter than I have been all summer. My usual sunny mood has seen some darker than normal days, for no particular reason other than the shifting rhythms of life in general. I’ve sort of given up trying to alter my own outlook. It’s all I can do to take note of it and live in the moment knowing (or hoping, or at least suspecting) it will pass.

21 September 2009

Late summer foliage.

Summer will end tomorrow no matter how much we resist, but unlike past years, I’m going to embrace the cooler weather. I didn’t even mind the rain that fell a couple of weekends ago (although “fell” might be too strong a term; this rain seemed to stumble more than fall). What I don’t look forward to are shorter days with more darkness before, during and after. If there’s anything that puts the brakes on my good mood (such as it is) it’s the endless night of a dreary November, December, January, and on and on.

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