Baseball is such a simple, elegant game, when you watch it from the third deck of a major league stadium or in high definition on a big screen. Imagine what it must look like from the perspective of a four-year-old playing his first game on a grassy field with bases and balls and gloves and helmets, with coaches and parents trying to get your attention, after only a month or so of practicing a couple of times a week. Even knowing which way to run, if you should happen to hit the ball, is probably going to be a source of confusion.
That said, Aiden’s first ever game was quite entertaining, as spectacle if not quite as baseball. He got two hits and scored two runs, just like every player on both teams. No score was kept and no standings will be posted, and at the end of the season everyone who sticks it out will get a trophy. And by the end of the season, the spectacle will look more like a baseball game than it did today. David is Aiden’s manager, and he’ll see to that. (He’ll also make sure everyone has fun.)
Aiden was no more focused than any of the other kids, but he had a big grin on his face for most of the game, and he was happy to see everyone who showed up to watch him. He got a little worn down by the end and really didn’t want to play the last half-inning at shortstop. He pulled faces and crossed his arms for a bit, but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen the pros do the same thing from time to time. In the end, he probably had a pretty good time, whether he’ll admit it or not. And we enjoyed watching him, which also counts for something. |